Mycro Keratin - Mycro Keratin Splush Online

Mycro Keratin is for everyone!

Mycro Keratin treatments can be used on all hair types. People from all ethnicities can experience the treatment and the products can be used on virgin hair, colour-treated hair, dry hair, oily hair, damaged hair, you name it! The treatment is suitable for both women and men. The results of the treatment and usage of the products thereafter is a full head of healthy, full-bodied, shiny, strong hair. Furthermore, our Classic Mycro Keratin Smoothing Treatment is known and tested to restore hair extensions that have been dried and damaged to their original state.

Combatting damage, exposure and aging

Mycro Keratin understand that the world of hair care is ever changing and that is why we are always willing to develop newer, better, more efficient technology with our products.